Visualizations and Affirmations —Great Tools for Manifesting Your Future Self

There are lots of possible future selves that we could live into; the decision is ours, which of these possibilities we want to manifest in our lives.  The life we experience is not “a matter of chance, but a matter of choice”.  You could choose to manifest a future that is disempowering and disheartening and you also have the power to manifest a life that is joyful and abundant far beyond your imagination. Through QSCA coaching program under Christy Whitman coach training we will be equipped with the tools like affirmations and visualizations to attain our heart’s deepest desires. [Read more…]

Manifesting Your Dreams with Christy Whitman and Marie Forleo

Worldly ambition and inner peace seem like differing goals, but learning the law of attraction principles from QSCA Christy Whitman will help us have them both.  

As long as you cultivate the right attitudes, both ambition and inner peace are certainly possible. Christy Whitman and Marie Forleo make it achievable. [Read more…]