Just like love, light is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe.
- Light is as a living presence that can be anywhere or everywhere.
- You can use light to fortify your connection to your higher self.
- You can call upon light to transmute energy and to empower and heal yourself and your loved ones.
- Light can increase your vibration, amplify the strength of your positive thoughts and open your heart.
- You can link with light. You can harness its power and create good all around you.
- As you think of it, it is immensely drawn to you.
- Light can raise you to the next level of growth and dramatically change what is in your experience.
- When you connect with light you’re building a bridge between yourself and the higher realms. You become brighter and more effective in whatever you are doing in your life.
We are a spectrum of light. All we are is light, but the one that obstruct us, what obstruct that light is us. We prevent the light. So here are the steps to actually creating light.
1.To call light to yourself, charge yourself with light.
Imagine making your energy as beautiful as possible.
Take a deep breath and summon the light to you. Light is a living consciousness that responds immediately to your call. QSCA Christy Whitman will help us with the whole process.
And finally, apply this light all around you as a cocoon. Extend this light beyond your body into the place that you’re in.
2. To radiate light, send light to many different things.
Send light to whatever you have chosen. You can send light to the ideas that you have–your future, your higher purpose. Your body, your thoughts, your feelings, and you can change the energy of whatever you send light to in a higher finer vibration. Radiate light when you’re in a situation that you want to change or send light to other people to support them. QSCA Christy Whitman and other qsca certified coaches send their light to give enlightenment.
Notice that as you send light, your own light becomes brighter and more beautiful. This is what we will learn to practice in Life Coach Training with QSCA. Empower yourself and become a Great Light in the world by mastering the skill of Deliberate Creation through Quantum Success Coaching Academy Coach Certification Program. Let your Light shine!